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UL Product iQ

August 21, 2018

UL‘s Online Certifications Directory (OCD) will soon be redirected to Product iQ. You can creat your FREE ACCOUNT today to start learning the new and improved search platform.

UL Product iQ certifications platform marries the longstanding UL certification data relied upon by millions of users with the intuitive design and user-friendliness of a modern search engine.

Why is UL replacing the current Online Certifications Directory?
UL is committed to ongoing digital transformation across the enterprise. Product iQ is one of several initiatives designed to meet the growing demands of a digital world. The platform is designed to create value, support transformation and evolve with changing needs.
Product iQ is built on a modern search engine platform that offers a better user experience, can incorporate more relevant information and support multiple new user features. The new directory provides the same information as the old platform and has no impact on testing results or certifications.

What will happen to the old Online Certifications Directory?
Product iQ will be available concurrently to the original Online Certifications Directory (OCD) for some time to allow users to register and learn the new platform. The OCD will be decommissioned later in 2018 and its links will be redirected to the new Product iQ platform.

Is Product iQ free to use?
Yes, access to UL’s certification information will always be free. Upon registration, users access exactly the same certification information as in the old platform at no cost. They may voluntarily upgrade to a premium subscription that allows them to use the more advanced tools.

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