TGLIGHTS Security Goes "Green"! Launch of EV SSL
October 23, 2018
TGLIGHTS utilizes GoDaddy Extended Validation (EV) Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates on in order to improve security and prove our site is authentic.
What is an EV SSL?
An EV SSL is a special type of website certificate that verifies the authenticity of the website. Users know they are accessing a website with an EV SSL by a green address bar or indicator displayed on their browser.
What browsers support EV SSLs?
While EV SSL certificates will work with virtually all browsers, some older versions will not display the green indicator. Users are encouraged to use one of the browsers and versions listed below in order to take advantage of the green indicator and other added security features. When you see the green indicator, you will be assured that you are actually on the TGLIGHTS site (please be aware that each particular browser implements the green indicator in a slightly different fashion). Browsers that currently support EV SSL certificates include:
Internet Explorer – version 7 or higher
Firefox – version 3 or higher
Safari 3.2 or higher
Opera 9.5 or higher
Google Chrome
Flock 2.0 or higher
Examples of the green address bars of some popular web browsers:

Note: “深圳市鑫宇澳科技有限公司” is our parent company name in Chinese.
Examples of the green address bars of some popular web browsers:

Note: “深圳市鑫宇澳科技有限公司” is our parent company name in Chinese.